With less than two weeks until Election Day, political TV ads, protest signs and candidate flyers seem to be everywhere we turn. On top of that, trying to understand each state's ballot initiatives feels like a daunting, nearly-impossible task. However, it's important that every American know what's at stake in their respective states, come this November.
For those wanting to support animal welfare ballot initatives next month, please remember to:
Vote "Yes! on Prop. B" (Missouri) - Currently, dogs in Missouri’s puppy mills receive little to no medical care, live in filthy conditions without exercise and socialization, are confined to tiny wire cages their entire lives and are bred constantly. If passed, Prop. B (also known as the “Puppy Mill Initiative") would end the inhumane treatment and needless suffering of tens of thousands of dogs in Missouri’s 3,000 puppy mills by establishing humane care standards and regulating inhumane, large-scale breeding facilities.
To learn more about why you should vote "Yes! on Prop. B," click here.
Vote "No on 109" (Arizona) - If passed, Prop. 109 will give politicians exclusive authority over wildlife issues, such as hunting and fishing regulations. Instead of the state’s wildlife agency, scientists and wildlife professionals who have training and expertise in wildlife management, Arizona’s politicians would have the power to make decisions on wildlife policy based on partisan politics. The proposition would limit the role of Arizona’s voters in supporting wildlife protection policies and weaken Arizona’s ability to prevent wildlife crime, which would be disastrous for all animals in the state.
To learn more about why you should vote "No on 109," click here.
Even if you don't live in either of these states, please join WSPA in spreading the word about these ballot initiatives by linking to this blog on your Facebook page or personal blog, and by Tweeting to all of your followers.
Together, let's help make a difference for animals this election season!